INDIA-Dr. Madhvi Borse
January 07, 2022 ・0 comments ・Topic: Dr_Madhvi_Borse English-poem
India is the fastest growing country,
India has given calculus, algebra, zero and trigonometry.
India is a great Nation,
With several customs and traditions.
It is world's oldest growing civilizations.
India is the largest democracy,
The prominent political parties in India are BJP, indian National Congress, SP, BSP, CPI and AAP.
It has brought the world diverse languages,
It is the birthplace of yoga, natural beauty and talented actresses.
For our country we have numerous vision,
We are proud to be an Indian citizen.
Dr. Madhvi Borse
With several customs and traditions.
It is world's oldest growing civilizations.
India is the largest democracy,
The prominent political parties in India are BJP, indian National Congress, SP, BSP, CPI and AAP.
It has brought the world diverse languages,
It is the birthplace of yoga, natural beauty and talented actresses.
For our country we have numerous vision,
We are proud to be an Indian citizen.
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