We are strong, powerful and fierce,Now just smile, laugh and no more tears,
We were born with enthusiasm and grace,
Let's strengthen ourselves with confidence.
We are resilient, we must rise together,
Either we are sister, daughter, wife
or mother,
Have equal status and live in freedom,
Let's teach the world, true sense of wisdom.
Let's be courageous and passionate,
Let's name our destiny, which we will create,
We will have our choice, own vision,
We can define ourselves with our decision.
We are tough, We have the integrity,
We will create our history with dignity,
Let's conquer weaknesses, feel profound,
Fight endlessly and never be bound.
We are empowered, we build our nation,
Let's build the independence in every relation,
Let's respect all genders and God's creation,
We should be together in any situation.
Dr. Madhvi Borse
Educationist & Author
India (Rajasthan)
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